Customer Success Story

Why I Switched to JobTread: Swager Builds Success Story

Swager Builds delivers a variety of premier homes including luxury homes, custom homes, barndominiums, and multi-family dwellings. We interviewed Bryce Swager to understand their decision to switch from their previous software to JobTread.

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Interviewee: Bryce Swager
Job Title: Chief Executive Officer
Company: Swager Builds
Industry: Home Builder
Location: Rigby, ID

Challenges Before Choosing JobTread

What were the biggest challenges you faced in your construction projects prior to using JobTread?

"Keeping track of schedules, budgets, job costing, and document control were significant challenges, especially as a one-man operation."

How did those challenges impact your home building business and workflow?

"Without efficient management tools, it was chaotic and challenging to juggle everything. JobTread changed that by centralizing all our office work, freeing up time to focus on growing the business.”"

What led you to discover JobTread?

"I found JobTread at a home builders' show in Vegas. I was seeking an all-in-one solution to replace multiple apps I was using for documentation, time tracking, and more."

What advice would you give to other contractors considering JobTread?

"Take it one step at a time. Start with one process and implement it gradually. The initial cost may seem daunting, but the benefits far outweigh it."

Construction management software

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Benefits of Using JobTread

How has JobTread changed the way you manage projects?

"JobTread has completely transformed our business. We now have streamlined scheduling, documentation, and communication, which has led to increased efficiency and client satisfaction."

What are the key benefits you've experienced since using JobTread?

"Understanding our numbers better, simplified job costing, and freeing up time for other tasks have been the major benefits. I recommend it to other construction companies without hesitation.”"

How would you describe JobTread’s customer support?

"JobTread’s customer service has been exceptional. Quick responses and helpful solutions have been instrumental in integrating JobTread into our workflow."

What's one feature or benefit of JobTread that contractors shouldn't miss out on?

"The integrated time tracking and job costing are game-changers. Being able to track labor hours per project line in real-time is invaluable."

Bryce’s Favorite JobTread Features

Construction job costing software

1. Job Costing

"Knowing your numbers at any time on any given project is a game-changer. JobTread’s dynamic job costing tools simplify cost tracking and boost transparency."

Learn more about JobTread Job Costing →
Construction management software

2. Time Tracking

"The integrated time tracking and job costing are game-changers. Being able to track labor hours per project line in real-time is invaluable. It’s so easy to use."

Learn more about JobTread Time Tracking →
Construction management software

3. Communication & Messaging

"We can easily communicate from one central location. It’s great for documentation and keeping everyone updated on job progress. All documents are easy to upload and find."

Learn more about JobTread Communications & Messaging →

This blog features revised interviewee responses to enhance readability. While we aim to preserve the interviewee's intended meaning, some answers may be paraphrased for clarity. The essence remains intact, but nuances may be adjusted. For full accuracy watch the testimonial video.

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